CEFAS22-138 Contract for services in contribution to modelling of mixed fisheries interactions
Cefas requires a statistical modeller to contribute to the development of methods for improving ways that take account of mixed fisheries interactions in management advice; specifically on incorporating interactions of fisheries with data-limited stocks in mixed fisheries models. The Supplier will work within a team over the three-year period (subject to ongoing funding) to advise on statistical and methodological aspects of tools to incorporate data-limited stocks in mixed fisheries models, contribute to the development of code and publication of the work in a peer reviewed journal. The development of tools and models will enable management advice to be broadened to take account a greater range of stocks, contributing to an improved evidence base on which to make decisions about the management of mixed fisheries. Deliverables: The Suppler will develop fully documented code and statistical methods to estimate interactions, and ways to incorporate these interactions into assessment and forecast models for catch advice. This will focus on "Robin Hood" approach (Punt et al., 2011) to modelling data-limited stocks. To achieve this goal the Supplier will: 1. Provide a summary of the approach to be taken and a workplan for delivery by end of year one (March 2023). 2. Contribute to project meetings and workshops as necessary throughout the project, including under the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). This may require travel to Cefas, Lowestoft or another meeting location a maximum of twice annually. 3. Develop a scientific manuscript for peer-review, and contribute to project report writing in years 2 (February 2024) and 3 (February 2025).
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors