CEFAS22-55 Contract to provide services for educational videos for OCPP in Sri Lanka
Cefas is delivering part of the UK government's Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP). Under the OCPP, the UK is partnering with countries to exchange UK science, research, technical and development expertise to address marine environmental challenges across three key themes: marine pollution, marine biodiversity, and sustainable seafood. One element of the OCPP is to support partner countries to influence and educate audiences on ocean science, including within the education sector. The aim of this contract is to produce a series of educational videos appropriate for use in secondary or high schools in Sri Lanka (ages 11-16 years) to support learning on climate change in general, with special focus on the impact that climate change can have on the marine environment, particularly on important habitats such as coral reefs, coastal mangrove forests and seagrass meadows. The video lessons also explain about climate adaptation options, at a level suitable for young people to understand and get involved. The series is structured as four (4) separate video clips, and each clip is a lesson built around a theme title and a set of keywords, as follows: -Lesson 1: what is climate change? [keywords: CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING, SEA LEVEL RISE, OCEAN ACIFICATION] -Lesson 2: climate change and humans [keywords: FOSSIL FUELS, GREENHOUSE GASES, CARBON DIOXIDE] -Lesson 3: climate change and the marine environment [keywords: CORAL REEFS, MANGROVES, SEAGRASS, CORAL BLEACHING, COASTAL EROSION] -Lesson 4: what can we do to limit the effects of climate change? [keywords: RENEWABLE ENERGY, SUSTAINABILITY, CLIMATE RESILIENCE, CLIMATE ADAPTATION]
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CPV Codes
79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors