CEFAS21-28 Fluroescence Stereomicroscope
Cefas (The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science) the 'Authority', is an Executive Agency of the UK Government's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). It is an applied science agency that primarily supports government decision making whilst extending its reach across the public sector, the EU and wider markets where possible in regard to marine and closely related environments. Requirement: Cefas require to purchase a single Fluorescence Stereomicroscope with a high-resolution camera for microplastic work. Technical requirement: 1.1 x Fluorescence Stereomicroscope 2.Fluorescence LED illumination systems 3.Suitable for Nile Red 4.Automated XY sliding stage 5.High-Resolution camera and imaging software The Fluorescence Stereomicroscope with High-Resolution Camera should be ideal for imaging Nile red stained microplastic fibers and fragments. The fluorescence filter should be GFP (excitation - 470/40x nm; emission 525/50nm). The microscope should include a sliding stage featuring XY movement control for the effective counting microplastic items and capturing of images. The camera system should be a high-resolution 20 MP camera and with imaging & video software.
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