CEFAS21-28 Fluroescence Stereomicroscope
Requirement: Cefas require to purchase a single Fluorescence Stereomicroscope with a high-resolution camera for microplastic work. Technical requirement: 1.1 x Fluorescence Stereomicroscope 2.Fluorescence LED illumination systems 3.Suitable for Nile Red 4.Automated XY sliding stage 5.High-Resolution camera and imaging software The Fluorescence Stereomicroscope with High-Resolution Camera should be ideal for imaging Nile red stained microplastic fibers and fragments. The fluorescence filter should be GFP (excitation - 470/40x nm; emission 525/50nm). The microscope should include a sliding stage featuring XY movement control for the effective counting microplastic items and capturing of images. The camera system should be a high-resolution 20 MP camera and with imaging & video software.
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CPV Codes
38515000 - Fluorescent and polarizing microscopes
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1 Possible Competitors