CEFAS22-09 OWEC Fisheries sensitivity modelling
The project aims to provide a better understanding of the sensitivities of fishing activities to Offshore Windfarms (OWF) which is needed to identify areas that are high and low risk areas of conflict between two industries. High risk areas of conflict between commercial fishing and OWF can lead to objections and significant delays to the consultation and consenting process for OWFs as the economic stakes for the fishing sectors are high. In contrast, it can be assumed that in areas characterised by lower levels of fishing activity, the conflict with OWF will be low as well. In addition to the delay of the consultation process, there is the risk of high costs for compensation/cooperation payments to fishers for any displacement and other mitigation measures required. This project will review and test existing tools/data/models to: (1)identify the recent spatial distribution of fishing activities of UK vessels in the UK EEZ based on individual vessels' positional tracking data, fisheries activity database and relevant ancillary data collected by MMO & Marine Scotland, and (2)assess the constraints and opportunities for the fishing industry to adapt (including displacement) to the local development of OWFs.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38970000 - Research, testing and scientific technical simulator
72242000 - Design-modelling services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors