CEFAS23-12 RFQ for expert hydrographic services and/or TLS data processing
The BEEMS (British Energy Estuarine and Marine Studies) programme is funded by NNB GenCo (EDF Energy). Through this programme, Cefas provide authoritative scientific information on the marine and transitional waters in the vicinity of potential nuclear new build (NNB) power stations and require a competent Supplier to deliver the element described below. Within the BEEMS programme, Cefas routinely manage, review, analyse and report on hydrographic surveys conducted by third parties to meet regulatory marine environmental monitoring requirements. Surveys serve a range of purposes within the marine environmental monitoring programmes for Sizewell C (SZC) and Hinkley Point C (HPC) NNB power stations. This includes bathymetric multibeam echosounder (MBES) surveys to examine: •Geomorphological change of nearshore bars and sandbanks (including validation of remote x-band radar measurements of these features). •Seabed change in dredging areas and dredge disposal sites. •Scour around seabed infrastructure. Whilst Cefas may utilise the services of UKHO when practical, in addition Cefas are required to secure additional contracts with suitable organisations to provide expert hydrographic services to include specialist technical reviews and quality assurance of nearshore hydrographic survey data as well as TLS data processing. Surveys conducted by third parties appointed by Cefas are part of the marine environmental monitoring programmes for HPC and SZC NNB power stations. The work is ongoing in nature, with an expected increase in survey activity in 2024. This year (2023) there are currently 3 multibeam surveys and one side scan sonar survey planned across both sites. The surveys are in varying stages of project planning and the appointed organisations would be required to take on work at any point in the project lifecycle. In addition to providing the expert hydrographic support and advice for surveys, there is also the requirement to support Cefas in the processing and QC of a backlog of TLS data alongside any new TLS data that maybe collected during the contract duration. Cefas acknowledge that not all organisations are able to cover both requirements so the tender has been divided into Lots to give tendering parties the opportunity to tender for lots on an individual basis. If you can cover both requirements, please submit for each Lot. Lot 1 - Hydrographic Services Lot 2 - TLS Data Processing Download the Bidder Pack at and search for CEFAS23-12 under opportunities
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71354400 - Hydrographic services
72310000 - Data-processing services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors