CEFAS20-05: RFQ: Water Treatment System and Seawater Mixing/Holding System
Requirement: 1.Water softening, dechlorination and RO production system to fill 200 L water holding and mixing tank for producing artificial seawater with ability to measure water quality (salinity, temperature and pH), plus 2x 200L circulating UV treated water storage tanks with taps. The system should be suitable for producing artificial sea water via the addition of sea salts with minimal manual manipulation. The system should be suitable for producing high quality RO water from hard tap water, which is used to fill a 200 L mixing tank suitable for dissolving sea salts (to salinity up to approximately 36 ppt) with the ability to measure water quality parameters (salinity, temperature, pH). There should be a pump in order to fill two 200 L storage tanks from the mixing tank each with UV treatment to ensure avoidance of algal growth. Each storage tank should have a tap to ensure easy removal of the prepared artificial sea water. The filling of each tank (mixing and storage) should ideally be controlled via a ballcock switch to avoid overflow. However, storage tanks should not automatically fill prior to addition of sea salts to the mixing tank up to the required salinity. The whole system will need to fit into an approximate 240 x 290 cm footprint.
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CPV Codes
42122500 - Laboratory pumps and accessories
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors