CEFAS22-91 Services to review the feasibility of setting up a Solid Waste Producers and Recyclers Association in Belize and provide a proposal on its implementation accordingly (Cefas Direct Award)
The supplier will review Belize's current solid waste infrastructure, policies and capabilities to assess whether implementing a Solid Waste Producers and Recyclers Association would be appropriate for Belize. The supplier will apply their previous experience and expertise of working on similar successful models that have been applied in other Small Island Developing Nations including Samoa and the Solomon Islands. The supplier is required to make recommendations to the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority on the feasibility of the Association, and if it is deemed feasible, the supplier will provide a proposal on the implementation and structure of such an association in Belize. For example, identification of the key stakeholders, and the legal and organisational structures to be implemented, to maximise the success. Cefas will facilitate engagement and introductory meetings between the supplier and key stakeholders. Deliverables: 1.Provide a set of recommendations, in writing and via engagement with Cefas and the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority, to advise on the feasibility of setting up a Solid Waste Producers and Recyclers Association in Belize. 2.(If feasible) Provide an outline proposal in writing to Cefas and the Belize Solid Wast Management Authority as to how this Assocation could be implemented in Belize, to include: a.Recommended Stakeholder Participation (as a minimum): Who needs to be involved in the Association (e.g. legal/government/policy, waste producers, waste recyclers, communities). b.Financial Structures: What financial structures should be put in place to maximise transparency and opportunities for funding (e.g. from multi-lateral funders). c.Management and Governance: What structures should be put in place to ensure transparency and effective management, to maximise the ability of the association to increase the effectiveness of solid waste systems management in Belize. d.Collaborative Waste Management: How can the Association work with the existing solid waste landscape in Belize to maximise opportunities to coordinate stakeholders within the sector and across other sectors (e.g. environmental NGOs, tourism, education).
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors