CEFAS: VSAT for RV Endeavour.
VSAT system is essential to deliver and transmit data to and from the Ship to Cefas Laboratories to ensure efficient project delivery. Such data is needed to help design surveys onboard Endeavour by using evidence from satellites and other data portals. This allows the production of cost-effective surveys using the latest available data i.e., to detect ocean fronts. The collection of data at sea is expensive and therefore it is essential that such data is transmitted effectively for onward use in a timely manner and that it is archived securely. There is also an expectation that data is released, as soon as possible. Cefas' data strategy and the Cefas Data-hub is designed to meet this pledge but efficient data transmission from our ship is required to enable such aspirations to be met in a timely manner.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32260000 - Data-transmission equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors