Centre for Disaster Protection - Principal Research Expert for Comparative Assessment
The Centre for Disaster Protection plays a unique role in the global risk management and crisis financing architecture. We were established to address major challenges to effective disaster risk financing and promote more impactful and more equitable disaster risk finance at scale, that leaves no one behind. We're helping to grow the emerging evidence base on how to better reach and support people in need to help ensure that money and plans are in place before a disaster strikes. We work with governments and organisations to create practical and policy solutions, incentivise proactive risk management and risk financing and support risk informed decision making. We are the only international organisation focused on providing impartial technical advice and training on disaster risk finance - we do not implement or sell financial instruments. This term of reference for the Centre is for a consultant to undertake research that help to answer the following question "What is the comparative advantage of Risk Pools as development insurers vis-à-vis other actors financing disaster preparedness and response (e.g. MDBs)?" The consultant will undertake a comparative assessment (Activity 1) of the main concessional development finance instruments currently provided by Multilateral Development Banks and risk pools to governments and humanitarian organisations that provide event-based financing for disasters. This includes financing instruments arranged before or after a shock, and financing instruments that combine event-based financing with other aspects of financing for disaster risk management, such as financing for preparedness or disaster risk reduction. The assessment will include analysis of actual performance of instruments and therefore not be purely theoretical. Within the TOR there is also an option (Activity 2), with mutual agreement of both the Centre and the consultant, to also contribute to the synthesis outputs of the overall project. To apply, please submit your CV, cover letter indicating how your experience and interest aligns with this work, and how you will approach this work (max. 2 pages). As well as an indicative gross daily fee rate expectation. This must be submitted through the DAI Careers portal ( by Monday the 27th of November at 12:00pm.
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1 Possible Competitors