CETE084 Woodville to Swadlincote Regeneration Route
Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is to procure the Woodville to Swadlincote Regeneration Route. DCC is working in partnership with South Derbyshire Dales Council (SDDC) to provide the road and open up the land adjacent for development.The new road is a standard 7.3 m wide all-purpose single carriageway designed to service commercial and residential developments thereof. A shared footway is to be provided along the northern side of the road and around each roundabout while a footway is to be installed on the south side. Sections of the footways have verge separation between the carriageway and footways and additional verges at the back of the footway. The route and its roundabouts will be landscaped to meet ecological and national forest requirements. New highway drainage systems and attenuation ponds will be installed adjacent to the route and will be enhanced for similar ecological benefit. Surface water flows will be attenuated by Hydrobrakes. The contractor will also be responsible for installing and maintaining the landscaping associated with the link road to complete the works.The route is aimed at facilitating development of the adjacent former open cast mine workings to provide commercial and residential units. Provision will be made within the highway corridor for new utilities and plot drainage crossings between adjacent parcels of development land.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors