Chemical Dosing Plant Upgrade and Minor Civils at a site in Scotland
Deliverables from this contract are majorly chemical dosing, as well as elements of mechanical and electrical works to refurbish existing facility and minor civil building works at a site in Scotland.Packages 1 – Chemical Dosing Plant Upgrade.This will be for the complete refurbishment of an existing Chemical Dosing Facility including design and installation. Currently the facility uses Sodium Hydroxide 47 % (Caustic Soda). The Coal Authority driver is to improve efficiencies.The works will also include other building services upgrades.Input and advice for HAZOP will be required.Packages 2 – Minor Civil Works.This would be for minor civil works in connection with the Chemical Dosing Upgrade which will include a new chemical delivery area; building modifications for package 1.It is anticipated that both packages will run concurrently with a high degree of coordination. Suppliers are welcome to bid for both elements.We would like to invite enquiries from interested parties.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors