Chemotherapy Electronic Prescribing System
The provision of ongoing support for software in which the contracting authority and also Ayrshire and Arran, Lanarkshire, Forth Valley and Highland Health Boards hold a fully paid up perpetual licence and which is used to support the administration of the chemotherapy electronic prescribing system for Health Boards within NHS Scotland which in turn delivers critical clinical services to citizens. The proposed contract will provide continuity of service based upon the existing solution in which there has been significant prior investment, development of expertise within the user community and on which current operational processes within the contracting authority and other Health Boards within NHS Scotland rely. As a result there is no financially or administratively reasonable or viable alternative to the current system to meet the needs of the service during the minimum period of the proposed contract. The proposed contract will be for a period of three years with the option of an extension for a further one year period.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors