Chesterfield Canal Trust - Enabling Works & TPT Bridge
This Enabling Works Package is required to create safe access onto site and to divert the public to facilitate the future restoration of the canal. In summary this will include a new site entrance, site compound creation, site levelling, construction of a bridleway bridge (TPT Bridge), creation and diversion of Public Rights of Way (PROW) and the application for, obtaining of and compliance with all required permits and permissions to the extent detailed below. An overview of the works is listed below. The full Scope, including technical specification and drawings, is included in the Contract which can be found in full ITT document. Planning Conditions and Permits •Provide all necessary information for the discharge of two pre-commencement planning conditions •Application for the temporary closure and diversion of PROW •Application for a Coal Authority Permit •Contractor input for a Network Rail Permit •Application for the S278 Works Permit Scope of Works •Security of the site area to protect the public •Forming of a secure compound area and the provision of welfare facilities •Removal of tree roots and surface vegetation as identified •Tree protection as identified •Construction of the new S278 highway entrance •Excavation and reprofiling to design formation levels adjacent to the TPT Bridge •Strip existing topsoil, store and replace on reprofiled areas as identified •Testing of materials as required by the remediation strategy •Stockpiling on site of suitable excavated material •Disposal off site of any materials deemed unsuitable •Design and installation of a suitable and sufficient access road and hardstanding area to facilitate the installation of the TPT Bridge •Liaison with utility providers to agree protection measures for construction traffic within the enabling works. PROW •Construction of new temporary PROW through Network Rail land •Secure fencing to existing PROW which runs across the previously completed canal to the southern extremity of the proposed TPT bridge •Provide a secure and suitable crossing point over the above PROW •Realignment of existing footpaths and construction of new paths to link through to the new TPT Bridge - including management of the PROW's and protection of the public •Installation of new fingerboard signage for pedestrian routes TPT Bridge •Design of temporary piling platform (if required) •Excavation to formation, piling and construction of bridge foundations •Construction of abutment walls •Fabrication, delivery, assembly and installation of TPT Bridge •Surfacing and drainage to TPT Bridge and footpath approaches CDM •Fulfilment of the Principal Contractor role as defined under CDM Regulations 2015 •Fulfilment of the Principal Designer role as defined under CDM Regulations 2015 The tender documents are available from Jon Lindley. His contact details are: Email: Mobile: 07891624755
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45221110 - Bridge construction work
45100000 - Site preparation work
44212120 - Structures of bridges
45233125 - Road junction construction work
45233161 - Footpath construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors