Chichester Harbour Conservancy Invitation to Tender - Shingle Recharge Works on Stakes Island
SHINGLE RECHARGE WORK ON STAKES ISLAND, INVITATION TO TENDER This tender is being published on behalf of Chichester Harbour Conservancy who are the Contracting Authority for these works. The Conservancy is inviting responses for a partner organisation to undertake shingle recharge works on Stakes Island, Chichester Harbour. In 2021 Natural England's SSSI condition review (Natural England Research Report 090), found the overall condition of the Chichester Harbour SSSI designated features to be in "unfavourable decline". The Return of the Tern project builds on the recommendations for conservation action made by Natural England in the SSSI condition review. One of the objectives of the Return of the Tern project is to seek to provide shingle recharge at appropriate sites in the harbour to enhance tern breeding habitat. Chichester Harbour Conservancy ("the Conservancy") has reviewed potential sites in the harbour and is initially proposing shingle recharge work on Stakes Island. Chichester Harbour Conservancy are inviting tender submissions from potential partners to undertake shingle recharge works on Stakes Island, Chichester Harbour. Please see the Invitation to tender document for the brief, and the supporting Appendices: Appendix 1- Stakes Island recharge area map Appendix 2- Stakes Island work area map Appendix 3- Stakes Island Existing Sections The site is not accessible to the public and can only be accessed by boat; if you wish to visit the site prior to submitting your tender, please contact the Project Manager, Jessica Vagg (, to arrange. For any queries or questions related to the tender, please email both Jessica Vagg, Project Manager ( and Pete Hughes, Conservancy Ecologist ( The submission deadline is 12pm on Thursday 30th June 2022 in electronic format. Please send the completed Submission document saved as a PDF and all other supporting documents to: Richard Craven, Director & Harbourmaster ( with the subject "Private and Confidential - Stakes Island tender submission".
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Tender Regions
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors