Childcare Choices Campaign Tracking
Assignment under the Market Research MR130001 Agreement Contract. This research seeks to address problems with access to high-quality affordable childcare which is vital for millions of parents and carers across the country. The government has therefore committed to introduce a new package of support that will make childcare more affordable which are; Tax-free childcare, additional 15 hours' free childcare and additional support for parents on Universal Credit (enhanced UC). Introduction of these offers is a joint collaboration by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), the Department for Education (DfE) and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The objective of this research is to ensure that citizens are aware of and understand the government's childcare offer, so that they can make informed choices about how and whether to take up the support available to them. Communications will help to raise parents awareness from what is currently a relatively low baseline as parents will need to know that offers exists as and when introduced. Customer insight shows that parents are more likely to engage with and take up the offers if they clearly understand their eligibility, and how much they will be entitled to receive. Therefore the research seeks to help parents better understand how Government childcare provision can benefit them and their family as well as helping them understand each of the policies enough to explain to an interested friend or colleague.
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