Children and Young People Financial Capability Survey 2022
The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is looking for an expert research partner to run the 2022 wave of the Children and Young People's Financial Capability Survey. This is a nationally representative survey of children aged 7-17 (and their parents/carers aged 18+) living in the UK that is conducted every three years, with the most recent wave having taken place in 2019. MaPS would like to conduct the 2022 survey with a sample size of within the range of 4,700 interviews with a representative sample of UK children and young people, each with an accompanying parent who would answer part of the interview (in total circa 9,600 individuals interviewed). In 2022, we would like to move away from a mixed methodology to an all-online approach (CAWI) in part because of the impact of Covid-19 on face-to-face interviewing. The main outputs required will include raw data, tabulated tables, a standard technical report, a series of short reports focusing on key findings from the survey and updating of the MaPS CYP Fact Pack/Fact Hub. There are other additional deliverables throughout the project such as early data from the soft launch/pilot stage, weighting schemes, interim data (midway through fieldwork for initial data checking). MaPS would also like to ask for some optional deliverables. We expect the fieldwork to start in May 2022 and complete in July 2022, with the submission of main deliverables starting from September 2022.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
79311000 - Survey services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors