Children's exposure to harmful content online - pilot study
The estimated value given is for all 3 modules of the contract. The estimated module value is therefore up to c.£50,000 each Ofcom wish to explore the feasibility of estimating the prevalence of (user generated) online harm for children on platforms which host user generated content including social media, gaming and search engines. - We are interested in trialling a range of approaches to collecting this data, before we decide how we wish to gather this data in the future. However, we recognise that each approach will require different specialist skills. Consequently, we have split the requirement into three modules. Module 1: Undertaking survey research through schools / classrooms Module 2: Undertaking the research using passive measurement of content viewed on web/ through apps Module 3: Other methods (open) to help understand what children see - Tenderers can submit a proposal for one, two or all three of the modules. Tenderers must be clear within their proposal as to which modules they wish to be considered and evaluated for. Each module will be evaluated and awarded separately by Ofcom. - It is important that the output of each module enables us to compare/contrast the data with that gathered in the other modules to help us decide how to proceed. - Each Module will address the same objectives, but using different methodological approaches
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CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors