Children’s Services - Delivering Better Value in SEND Transformation and Strategic Programme Support
Westmorland & Furness Council Children’s Services directorate is committed to improving outcomes for children and young people in our local area. Our Ambition for Every Child is a key strand of our corporate change programme in the Council. Service requirements include support for SEND improvements and high needs block deficit reduction. We have developed a highly complex programme of DBV work which require strategic programme oversight. There are several interdependencies which require a specialist skill set to ensure that all workstreams are both improving SEND provision at the same time as become more cost effective and reducing the deficit. These workstreams, which all involve multiple strands, include SEND sufficiency, education health and care plans, introducing the graduated approach, as well as enabler workstreams around data, ICT, and co-production.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73220000 - Development consultancy services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors