China Fleet Club, Saltash Cornwall, Ground Solar Panel Array
The China Fleet Trust is a military charity whose origins stem from the original China Fleet Club in Hong Kong. The Trust owns the entirety of the enterprise and has a mixture of currently serving Royal Navy and business professionals, headed by the Chair of the Trustees. The Trust has one permanent member of staff on-site, the Chief Executive Office. The charity's objective is: For the public benefit the promotion of welfare of the armed forces by means of the provision of recreational and other leisure facilities for the beneficiaries. Our charity has a wholly owned trading subsidiary - China Fleet Country Club Ltd. As part of our charitable endeavours, the Club offers hotel accommodation, leisure facilities (including swimming pool, aqua spa, gym, racquet sports, fitness classes), health Spa & associated beauty treatments, golf course & TopTracer driving Range, Conference facilities, Food & beverage outlets, adventure golf course and a woodland nature trail. The ground mounted solar array is to be installed in the Club's spare 10-acre piece of land towards the West of the Club's 180-acre site. A cable run back to the HV connection at the Club will be run from the site, approximately 1 km away. The provision of this additional 600KWh solution will enable the Club to recognise its 50% reduction in Net Zero ambition earlier than anticipated by our decarbonisation policy. Reducing Carbon emissions by up to 140 tCO2e per year and when added to the provision already installed (400KWh) will help to produce over 1MWh of electricity on site annually. This would enable the Club to self-generate around 60% of its annual electrical energy need, shielding it from the turbulence of energy prices and ensuring the long-term viability of the Club. The purchase of this system is part of a grant funded application process and therefore procurement will be subject to grant approval of the project. We will assess tenders received on a Most Economically Advantageous Tender
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9332000 - Solar installation
9331000 - Solar panels
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors