Chlorine Tablets Granules & Dilution Vessels 2020
NHS Supply Chain seeks to establish a non-exclusive framework agreement for the supply to NHS Supply Chain depots, via the stock and blue diamond routes and to the NHS Supply Chain customer base via the e-Direct Route, of: chlorine tablets, granules and dilution vessels covering a range of chlorine related products used within the healthcare environment. The framework agreement will have an initial term of 24 months with an option to extend incrementally for up to a total period of 48 months. It is anticipated that in the first 24 months of the framework agreement, the value of purchases will be circa GBP 4 000 000. For the full 48 month term (if extended) the anticipated value is circa GBP 8 000 000. These values are approximate only and are based on the most recent historical usage information, with a forecasted level of growth. The values provided are for guidance only and are not a guarantee of business.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors