Cine Film Scanner for Archiving
The North West Film Archive (NWFA) is part of Manchester Metropolitan University's Library Services and is a specialist resource dedicated to collecting and preserving the region's rich filmed history. NWFA is a member of both national and international networks of film archives and works closely with the British Film Institute. The work with film undertaken by a team of specialist professionals requires the use of very particular, archive-compatible equipment which can work with often extremely fragile and deteriorated film stock to the high standards required for archives and museum collections., Funding has been provided by The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Capability for Collections Fund (CapCo)., The only scanner available in the UK that fulfils these precise criteria is a MWA-Nova film scanner, as outlined below., 1. Film Scanner features , 1.1 Film Transport Mechanism, Capstanless and Sprocketless transport mechanism to avoid problems related to image warping due to film splices and physical damage of old brittle film, respectively., 1.2 Film Transport Tension, Reel to reel transfer tension as low as 0.2 Newtons., 1.3 Shrunken Film Correction and Image Stabilisation, Technology for Stabilisation and Film Shrinkage correction., 1.4 Audio Track Reading Capability, Comprehensive range of dedicated audio modules, to deal with the following film audio formats:, 8mm edge track commag, 9.5mm duoplay 2 channel, commag, 16 mm 2 tracks sepmag , 16mm edge track commag , 17.5mm 2 track commag , 35mm single track commag, 35mm 4 track sepmag, 35mm 6 track sepmag, Magnetic audio archive extension unit for magnetic audio tape with heavy vinegar degradation, 16mm variable area and density, comopt, 35mm variable area and density, comopt, 1.5 Timeline based colour correction and audio channel balancing, Control software including timeline based post scanning processing tools, 1.6 Metadata Protocol, Metadata protocol creates files with scanning parameters, perforation condition and user actions., 1.7 Multi-purpose functionality, Includes a bi-phase I/O allowing it to act as a sound follower 'slave' or as the image scanner 'master' synchronised to a sound follower., 1.8 Physical Mounting, Motorised height adjustment of working surface if required., 2. Film Scanner features, 2.1 Image Resolution, capable of scanning at 8k resolution., 2.2 High Dynamic Range, multi flash scanning for applications such as HDR image creation., 2.3 Motorised lens, motorized lens mounting for zoom, focus and panning of the image to be scanned
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32321100 - Film equipment
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