Citizen Directed Co-operative Cymru Project - Toolkit
Citizen Directed Cooperative ToolkitThe learning gained through the project will inform production of a toolkit, which will include lessons learned and guidance regarding how a similar model could be developed elsewhere in Wales and in other areas of the UK.The toolkit will be produced in a bi-lingual digital format and will also be available in hard copy and accessible formats, including Easy Read, audio/visual and a version for children and young people.Proposed Objective•To develop a learning resource to promote knowledge and understanding regarding how greater citizen voice, control and independence in Wales can be achieved through the take-up of Direct Payments via the development of citizen directed co-operative support schemes.Proposed Task•To produce a Toolkit; a ‘good practice’ guide aimed atoDirect Payment Support Scheme Networks;oDisabled People /Disabled People’s Organisations;oCitizens currently under-represented amongst existing recipients; andoPublic sector organisations, including Welsh Government, Assembly Members, Local Authorities.•Liaise with DWs Policy and Public Affairs Manager and Finance and Resources Manager in the creation of the toolkit.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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