Civil Engineering & Infrastructure Works.
The Association of North East Councils Trading as the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) is seeking to establish a multi-contractor, multi-lot Framework Agreement for the provision of Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Works. It is categorised into lots based on the project value and geographical location of the project to encourage a range of Suppliers and to ensure the needs of all Contracting Authorities are met. Lots 1 - 10 will cover all types of civil engineering and infrastructure works and associated services, Lot 11 is a specialist lot. This Framework Agreement offers Contracting Authorities access to Suppliers providing a diverse range of Civil Engineering and/or Infrastructure works. This can include individual projects, or programmes of work including: •Capital highway/ infrastructure projects. •Civils construction projects. •Local road improvement / remodelling schemes. •Groundworks and land remediation. •Enabling works. •Drainage works. •Public realm works including paving. •Repair, maintenance, restoration of structures. •Flood and coastal risk management projects. •Structures over or adjacent to significant watercourses. •Civil Engineering in a marine environment including marine structures. •Light rail and associated infrastructure schemes. •Flood resilience schemes. This list is not exhaustive and is intended to provide a general overview of the types of works that may be awarded. All works awarded will be at the discretion of the Contracting Authority and in accordance with their internal procedures. Due to the diverse complexities attributed within the remit of Civil Engineering & Infrastructure Works it is anticipated there may be a requirement for work to include additional construction disciplinary expertise as part of larger projects. Suppliers wishing to access and complete the tender documents must first register on Open the eTendering system using the following link For guidance on how to create an account or submit your questionnaire response through Open, please visit ( to access the available Training Guides. If you need technical assistance from the Open Support team, this can be requested via email at PLEASE NOTE: Open is accessible 24/7 however, technical support is available Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 17:00 and Friday 08:30 - 16:30. The framework is for 48 months with an optional extension of a further 24 months.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors