Clean Energy Innovation Facility (CEIF) Platform - Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) and Research Partner
The Clean Energy Innovation Facility (CEIF) was established in 2019 and aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative clean energy technologies in developing countries. It is funded through Official Development Assistance (ODA) and is part of the UK's international climate finance commitment. CEIF contributed towards the UK's Mission Innovation commitment to double spending on energy innovation in 2020/2021 and contributes towards the UK's Ayrton Fund commitment to support clean energy innovation in developing countries. It supports research, development and demonstration activities for innovative clean energy technologies for industrial decarbonisation, sustainable cooling, energy storage and smart energy in ODA-eligible countries, such as planning and implementing pilot projects, capacity building for innovators and producing analytical products. The Department is looking for a MEL and Research partner for CEIF. oThe monitoring, evaluation and learning partner will be commissioned to provide three initial research outputs for CEIF and provide support with active dissemination and learning activities (including monitoring the effectiveness of those dissemination activities) and delivering additional ad-hoc research products and monitoring activities. oEvaluation outputs will include a minimum of 2 evaluations of programmes under the CEIF umbrella, covering process and impact evaluations and value for money assessment. oThe process evaluation components will generate learning and recommendations for improvement, including management, strategy, governance and MEL. oThe impact evaluation components will assess the outcomes and impacts of delivery, test the validity of the theory of change, generate learning and recommendations for future work.. oCross-cutting themes will include assessment of SDG co-benefits and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), considering how co-benefits have been generated and the management processes. oThe value for money assessment will undertake analysis using the HMG 4E's approach- Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Equity. oA third output comprises of a landscape review and analysis of other climate innovation portfolios and programmes focused on developing countries, particularly those established by other donor countries (not limited to clean energy or to UK-funded programmes) to provide lessons learned and recommendations to input into CEIF. oFlexibility will be built into the contract to allow DESNZ to request additional ad-hoc outputs relating to the above scope as needs arise over the duration of the contract.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors