CLiP Review desktop study on the waste management (Sri Lanka)
Cefas will work with partners across the Commonwealth to share expertise and find solutions to the environmental and socio-economic problems caused by litter in the marine environment. As poor waste management on land is a major source of marine litter, understanding what contributes to this, determining waste composition and understanding why it is mismanaged is important. Cefas requires the successful Tenderer to develop a desktop study to assess the current situation of waste management within Sri Lanka. The Tenderer will base their analysis on existing scientific literature, official reports and interviews with experts from relevant local or international stakeholders that can address possible knowledge gaps or provide unpublished data ('grey literature'). The overall aim of the desktop study is to understand how solid waste mismanagement in Sri Lanka is contributing to marine litter, considering both major leaks of waste into the environment and the status of the initiatives that are currently diverting waste from disposal (recycling, reducing, reusing, composting, bans etc).
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CPV Codes
79723000 - Waste analysis services
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1 Possible Competitors