CMFT 1011 - Burns Pressure Garments.
CMFT delivers a tertiary paediatric burns and plastics surgery service which is an integral part of the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. As part of this service we provide patients with a Burns and Plastics Aftercare Clinic which is run and managed by the Paediatric burns service. The burns and plasticsAftercare clinic is located in the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital. This clinic caters for children, young people and their families who have suffered thermal injury spanning the whole range of complexity some of whom will need customised pressure garments as part of their treatment plan. Customised pressure garments may also be required to treat a range of other medical conditions, for example scarring from other skin conditions, vascular malformations, lymphoedema.
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CPV Codes
18300000 - Garments
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors