CMS Teacher Language Proficiency Project
Drupal CMS and Language Proficiency Project The Teacher Language Proficiency Project (TLPP) will develop a non-commercial digital asset aimed at supporting the language proficiency of teachers of English, globally. It will support teachers' language development with standalone, interactive videos that: demonstrate the language in context; develop teachers' English language skills by highlighting and practising the language with interactive overlays; are non-linear and focused on the language that teachers need in the classroom; are designed, at least initially, for teachers with lower English language proficiency (e.g. CEFR A0, A1); are highly engaging and seen as relevant to immediate needs. The main features of the digital asset will be as follows: •Drupal 9 CMS and hosting •Mobile-first design •Accessibility and EDI considerations are central to design •Simple layout and navigation •Individual content items of video, with overlay of, for example, H5P interactive activities •User registration •Data collection of user performance (scores from each activity) Visualisation of that data collection (i.e. dashboard) for user Visualisation of that data collection (i.e. dashboard) for admin •Social share and gamification •Content rating •Optimised for low connectivity context •Content translation option •Learning pathway vocabulary as GUI (i.e. give user control in applying a taxonomy to organise/mark content)
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1 Possible Competitors