CNC Fibre Laser Cutter
Sheffield Hallam University requires a CNC Fibre Laser Cutter with its supporting equipment, software and warranties for the College of Business Technology and Engineering (BTE). The intended use of the new CNC fibre laser cutter is two-fold. Firstly, it will be used to educate groups of students on the state-of-the-art manufacturing process and secondly to facilitate the manufacture of a vast array of components designed by students and University staff for a variety of projects, teaching aids and maintenance components. Usually there are 2 main driving factors when it comes to selecting an appropriate laser cutter; working area, i.e., the largest piece of material that can fit within the machine, and the power of the laser source. However due to the lack of space within the departments building it is more applicable to state the size of the space available for the machine and then base our selection on how well a certain machine maximises its overall size in comparison with the available working area. In terms of laser power, we will specify the thicknesses of different materials we cut and allow the manufacturers to recommend a laser power. The use of the machine also drives our specification as typically these machines are designed for high volume production whereas our machine will be used for very low volume but by many different users of different skill sets so safety and ease of use is of importance in addition to speed. It is essential that students and members of staff can be quickly and easily trained to use the machine with very little support from technical staff as the work hours involved with this would be un-feasible. Please see tender documents at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors