CO0111 Carbon Literacy Training
Essex County Council wishes to procure a suite of training programmes for its members and officers. The purpose of the training is to upskill key members and officers within the Council in carbon literacy. The training provider may wish to use the Carbon Literacy Project toolkits for local authorities and adapt them and make them specific to Essex prior to any delivery. There are three toolkits available, one for Council officers, one for leaders and managers and one for elected members. Training could be developed using these adapted materials or the training provider could use already existing courses that are adapted to be bespoke to Essex. Learning Outcomes (all staff & members) What climate change is, what causes it, and what the impacts are: •How climate here and elsewhere is likely to change, and how we know this. •How changes in the climate are likely to affect us in the UK (particularly in Essex) and in other parts of the world. •What greenhouse gases are, their main sources, and their relationship to weather and climate. •How our actions impact the amount of greenhouse gases produced and the impact that they have. What we can do to help address climate change: •What we can do to reduce our contribution to climate change and where can we get help •What is the issue and what is Essex County Council doing about it •What can residents, educational establishments and businesses do to tackle climate change.
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CPV Codes
80500000 - Training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors