COASTAL Project Service Delivery - Ceredigion
The Council are seeking to invite suitably qualified and experienced organisations to tender for the delivery of a wide range of vocational guidance, employment skills training and lifelong learning opportunities and support services to be delivered as part of the COASTAL project.The COASTAL project (Creating Opportunities And Skills Teams ALliance) is a regional project part funded by the European Social Fund as part of the 2007 - 2013 Covergence Programme.Service delivery within this contract will be related to the Ceredigion County Council geographical boundaries.The City & County of Swansea will act in the capacity as the Lead Sponsor for the project.The successful tenderer will be required to deliver services to individual participants who are experiencing barriers to their return to economic activity as a result of serious and enduring:Mental ill-healthLearning disabilityPhysical disability Sensory impairmentA serious social disadvantage associated with the transition from long term care into adulthood.Please note that the Preferred Tenderer will be required to deliver the required services to ALL of the above client groups.Services delivered by the successful tenderer will be required to contribute proportionately to the overall objectives of the project, which will include:Objective 1 - engage with 9020 economically inactive participantsObjective 2 - 2087 participants into sustainable employmentObjective 3 - 5412 participants gaining a qualificationObjective 4 - 1763 participants entering further educationObjective 5 - 6724 participants gaining other positive outcomesObjective 6 - 20 employers adopting or improving Equality & Diversity Strategies and Monitoring Systems.Further detailed specification of services required and the expected outcomes will be provided with the Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ).
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312510 - Vocational rehabilitation services
Status :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors