Cobalt - Health and Safety Consultancy Services 2016 - 20 - AWARD
Cobalt Housing is seeking to appoint a single provider to provide Health and Safety Consultancy Services. Cobalt is currently investigating the opportunity to form a stand - alone, local Community Focussed Housing Association. This work will conclude during the summer and the project has been named 'Fit for Independence'. The results will be evaluated when the work is concluded. In effect, this might lead Cobalt to de-merger from SHG into a stand-alone Housing Association. In light of these events the Cobalt Board of Management have asked for an external health & safety consultant to help with - • Review any gaps in our Health & Safety position as a GMO part of the Symphony Housing Group • Develop a plan of action with officers of Cobalt if any gaps identified • Deliver the interim role of Competent / Responsible person required - if gaps are found • Develop a plan of action required if Cobalt were successful in becoming "Fit for Independence", to fill the current responsibilities in the Symphony Health and Safety Policy • Identify a Health & Safety action plan for Cobalt Plus, identifying any risks if the service was to expand. In addition to office based staff, Cobalt has 26 operatives potentially increasing to 40 in late 2016. The operatives are in team referred to as Cobalt Plus providing a range of services including gardening, handyperson, painting, plastering, flagging, void works. We estimate a yearly spend of approximately £20,000 net of VAT for the duration of the contract.
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
71317200 - Health and safety services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors