COEFOR Support (Project Thespis)
Training services. Specialist training services. Training services in defence and security materials. Project Thespis will deliver the future Contemporary Operating Environment Force (COEFOR) capability to Support individual and collective Training. The capability shall provide training support services that are agile, responsive and capable of representing uniformed forces, governmental departments, NGOs, Demonstration Forces (DEMFOR), Opposing Forces (OPFOR), Subject Matter Experts (SME), private contracted forces, casualties including the breadth and depth of civilian population and institutions that will be consistent with the Conceptual Operating Environment SCENario (COESCEN) and Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE), augmented with conceptual language and cultural training to create realistic environments representing current and emerging threats.COEFOR Support to training includes, but is not limited to:— The physical manifestation of an operating environment to match the given scenario for the specified training establishment/training event.— Representative uniformed forces ranging from allied through neutral and indigenous to opposing, such as military, paramilitary, police, OPFOR and DEMFOR and represent bodies across the full spectrum of the given scenario nationalities/geographical environment (government officials, military, civilians etc).— Representation of the breadth and depth of a civilian population, including its customs, dress and tribal dynamics that will effectively represent the true complexities of communities, religions, tribes and the key personalities of the scenario.— Provision of Casualty Simulation (CASSIM) to specific training scenarios that depict realistic clinical events. These clinical events will include all battle, disease and non-battle injuries present in contemporary operations, including, but not limited to, amputation simulation appropriate to ballistic/blast injury, gunshot wound injury, burn injuries, open fracture simulation and casualty make up depicting minor wounds.— A wide range of role players in a dynamic, intelligent and flexible manner.— Support to conceptual activity through interpreters (role play and real time), language and cultural training.— Scenario Writers and pyrotechnic effects simulation.— Provision of the logistics required to deliver training support to small, medium and large scale events, including, but not limited to, provision and management of feeding, transport to and from events, accommodation, clothing, props and equipment.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80510000 - Specialist training services
80500000 - Training services
80600000 - Training services in defence and security materials
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors