Collaborative Periodic Review (PR) 24 Trials
Tackling climate change, and reducing waste, are consistent threads throughout the Government's 25 year Environment Plan. We should "tread more lightly on our planet, using resources more wisely and radically reducing the waste we generate". The UK now has a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The Environment Agency acknowledges the commitment that the water industry have already made in the areas of low carbon, low waste and resource efficiency. We support the Water Industry in their goal to be net zero carbon by 2030. Whilst treading more lightly on the planet we also need to act on other pressures that are impacting our environment such as nitrogen (N). The role of N in freshwater eutrophication, particularly lakes and reservoirs, has become increasingly recognised as being important in recent years and the UK Technical Advisory Group for Water Framework Directive has now developed N standards for standing fresh waters. It is anticipated that these will be applied in RBMP 3rd Cycle and are likely to drive N reduction in PR24 and beyond at STWs affecting failing eutrophic water bodies. This project will help to develop a programme of collaborative investigations via the PR24 Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) covering two components: a) low carbon, low waste and resource efficiency trials and b) understanding how much nitrogen can be removed from sewage treatment works.
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1 Possible Competitors