Collaborative Pilot of NGBs aimed at building common digital and data foundations and capability
The pilot project and ITT is the first delivery step towards the vision of digital transformation across the UK sporting system. Done well, it will prove value. It should create momentum and show the potential of investing in data and digital solutions. The pilot is the first step in a journey; therefore, it must create the fuel needed to drive the business case for the next steps and a wider digital transformation programme. This pilot project is about proving benefits can be delivered, and that NGBs can collaborate as to achieve them. The objective of the pilot is therefore to test the following hypotheses: 1. Data and digital investments can deliver business value 2. Collaborating across NGBs accelerates digital transformation 3. Data and digital 'components' can be efficiently and effectively reused or centralised across NGBs In addition, the pilot will provide insight to inform how data and digital transformation across the sporting system should proceed. This is a new initiative for a new area and UK Sport have limited internal resource to deliver. Therefore, we are searching for a partner with the proven capability to deliver a comprehensive digital transformation programme, and the creativity to operate with pace and efficiency across the separate organisations that make up the UK sporting system.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors