Collation of evidence for a U.K. definition of Favourable Conservation Status for sandbanks and other sublittoral sediment habitat types
PLEASE NOTE: The closing date for this notice has been extended to 13th November 2023. Natural England's Defining Favourable Conservation Status (DFCS) Project aims to produce definitions of favourable conservation status that will support the delivery of the biodiversity components of many aspects of Natural England's work. This project will begin the FCS process for sublittoral sediment habitats, including sandbanks. "Sandbanks which are slightly covered by seawater all the time", listed under Annex I of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and its sub-types gravelly and clean sands, muddy sands, and maerl beds are the main focus of this project. MCZ broadscale habitats and features of conservation importance relevant to subtidal sediment /sandbanks should also be considered: •Subtidal coarse sediments •Subtidal sand •Subtidal mud •Subtidal mixed sediments •Maerl beds •Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities •Ocean quahog The data collation exercise should consider sub-features independently, not just where they relate to Annex 1 sandbanks. The information provided in this review will be used by Natural England to inform the production of favourable conservation statuses for various sublittoral sediment habitats, including sandbanks.
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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1 Possible Competitors