COM1262-Client Advisory Services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme for (COM1262/L1 Lot 1 - Architectural and Building Design Services) (COM1262/L2 Lot 2 - Programme, Project and Cost Management Services)
Type of procedure: Competitive procedure with negotiation. COM1262/L1 Lot 1 - Appointment of an architect-led design team to provide client advisory design services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme. COM1262/L2 Lot 2 - Appointment of a team to provide client advisory programme, project & cost management services for the Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme. The exact scope, size, duration, phasing and delivery model for the services has yet to be defined; however various delivery models and outcome level scenarios are currently under consideration by Parliament and can be viewed by following this link: . A decision in principle on how the Programme will be delivered is expected to be made by members of both Houses in Spring 2016; meanwhile Parliament is proceeding to procure management and design services now so that the necessary Consultants are in place and ready to progress the Programme when a decision in principle is made in Spring 2016. The appointed consultants will therefore need to be capable of delivering any one, or a blend, of the scenarios under consideration. The scale of the Restoration and Renewal Programme can be ascertained from the ‘Pre-Feasibility Study and Preliminary Strategic Business Case', which may be found online at The Corporate Officers recognise that the Restoration and Renewal Programme will be very challenging in terms of its scale, technical complexity, heritage considerations and level of public scrutiny. Their view is that these challenges can only be successfully met by working collaboratively with its advisors to develop and deliver the required outcomes. The Corporate Officers reserve the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tenders without conducting negotiations. CPV Codes: Lot 1 Architectural & Building Design Services - 71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services; 71200000-0 Architectural and related services; 71210000-3 Advisory architectural services; 71220000-6 Architectural design services; 71221000-3 Architectural services for buildings; 71222000-0 Architectural services for outdoor areas; 71223000-7 Architectural services for building extensions; 71240000-2 Architectural, engineering and planning services; 71241000-9 Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis; 71243000-3 Draft plans (systems and integration); 71244000-0 Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs; 71245000-7 Approval plans, working drawings and specifications; 71246000-4 Determining and listing of quantities in construction; 71247000-1 Supervision of building work; 71248000-8 Supervision of project and documentation; 71250000-5 Architectural, engineering and surveying services; 71251000-2 Architectural and building-surveying services; 71300000-1 Engi...
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1 Possible Competitors