Commercial & Technical Consultants
Swansea University has run out of space on its current 46 acre campus and has opted for a second campus (the Bay Science and Innovation Campus) to relieve pressure on the Singleton Campus.An Outline Business Case for the Bay Science and Innovation Campus has been completed and Swansea University now requires a multi disciplinary team of Commercial and Technical Consultants with relevant experience of Public Sector Joint Ventures, the ability to commence work at very short notice and deliver to very tight deadlines, to undertake Phase 2 of this project. Phase 2 consists of working within the three interlinked strands below to develop a full business case (by April 2011) and an associated conditional Development Agreement in negotiation with current land owners St Modwen:-1. Outline Design SpecificationMain outputs to include:• Verify and validate the specification produced by the next stage design team, ensuring it meets the needs of the University and provides the required level of detail on which to base a fixed cost Development Agreement;• Interrogate the resulting cost evaluation provided by the developer to ensure it provides the University with the required quality.2. Student Accommodation for Bay Science and Innovation CampusThe University requires the consultant to work with the University’s Senior Management Team and Student Residential Services Office to progress the specification and structure for delivering the student accommodation. The options currently being considered range from the University providing a guarantee for student residences to Swansea University purchasing the student residences.3. Financial and CommercialKey outputs• Development of a Green book compliant business case – Five Case Model;• Development of the key contractual framework with St Modwen;• Completion of Development Agreement ;• Securing third party financing.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
70111000 - Development of residential real estate
70210000 - Residential property renting or leasing services
70112000 - Development of non-residential real estate
70332200 - Commercial property management services
70122200 - Land purchase services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors