Commercial operator to manage Cheshire East Council's proposed flexible workspace in Crewe, TADIC (Technical & Digital Innovation Campus) - PIN
Cheshire East is looking to develop a coworking space/innovation hub within the heart of Crewe. The development of this flexible workspace project will be funded by the Council's successful Future High Street Fund bid; and will help plug the gap on the lack of office accommodation currently within central Crewe. Both a feasibility study and demand assessment have recently been completed for the proposals. Further market engagement and testing is now required with potential operators across the four identified feasibility options. The Council wishes to consult with suitably experienced organisations that have a proven track record in operating flexible workspaces. The purposes of this consultation are to seek the views of market participants and to help the Council in the procurement of a suitable operator. Before finalising the procurement procedure, the Council is seeking the views of potential market participants through responses to the questions in the questionnaire at Appendix 9 The views of the responding organisations will be carefully considered by the Council in finalising the choice of delivery model and development of the procurement procedure. The Council is keen to understand the attractiveness to the market of the opportunity and any modifications or features that will help deliver the Council's Aims and Objectives. The background document and the questionnaire will be available on The Chest e-tendering portal at: - Project ID DN577684. Completed questionnaires should be returned via the Chest by the deadline date of 12:00 noon; 19/11/21 There are no restrictions on the word count or format of the completed questionnaires. Respondents are asked to provide the name and contact details of the person submitting the questionnaire on the organisation's behalf. When submitting a response to the questionnaire, responding organisations should clearly indicate which (if any) part of their response they view as commercially confidential. Any such response must be clearly marked 'Confidential' and the responding organisation must set out the reason(s) why. If you intend to submit a response to this PIN, please note your organisation must bear all costs associated with the procurement process. The Council intends to proceed to procurement in late 2021, however makes no guarantees that this PIN will be followed with a Contract Notice or tender. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is an indication of potential future procurement activity and is subject to change. The PIN is not part of any pre-qualification or selection process and is not a commitment to procure anything. The Council is keen to explore all options or solutions that may be currently available in the market and would like to engage with potential providers.
Published Date :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors