Commercialisation Road Mapping - Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Road Mapping Exercise
Detailed objectives are: •Inform future policy in the UK power, industrial and buildings sectors, by quantifying the potential impact on emissions from the introduction of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions in these sectors, potential benefits on the energy system as a whole, barriers to be overcome, and future actions to overcome these barriers. •Benchmark, and, where appropriate, boost visibility among analysts and investors, of current UK activity, capabilities, projects, companies, products and services, sales, installed capacities, market conditions, value propositions and opportunities, within an international context. •Assess market needs, technologies, and business capabilities, and thereby identify options for R&D, innovation, commercialisation for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. •Quantify the growth potential for different hydrogen and fuel cell market segments under different scenarios, illustrating economic, energy, CO2, transport, and other wider or strategic benefits, including one scenario corresponding to “Business as Usual”. •Facilitate communication and build shared understanding of the impacts of choices and value for money among diverse public and private stakeholders, maximising stakeholder support and co-ordination where possible, within the sector and between the hydrogen and fuel cell sectors and related sectors. •Highlight choices in the period 2016-2020 that would maximise the gross value added to the UK economy, in the period to 2025 and beyond, from the hydrogen and fuel cell sectors, clarifying organisational challenges, feedbacks and interdependencies. •Quantify the support required to realise UK economic, energy, and environmental benefits, clarifying feedbacks and/or other interdependencies with international activities. •Identify opportunities to strengthen the capacity for innovation, learning, and feedback, including periodic assessment and updating of Roadmaps
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors