Commission for Project Manager/ Quantity Surveyor Consultancy Services for the Town Hall Transformation Project
Commission for Project Manager/ Quantity Surveyor Consultancy Services for the Town Hall Transformation Project (RIBA work stage 4: Contractor Procurement Action+ RIBA work stages 5 & 6: construction & handover) Following a successful grant funding bid awarded in August 2020, Midsomer Norton's High Street has been designated as a High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) and awarded funding from Historic England and the West of England Combined Authority. The HSHAZ project aims to deliver transformative change to the High Street through several projects including the redevelopment of the Grade II-listed Town Hall. Built in 1859, the Town Hall had various community uses through the C19 and C20 which resulted in the loss of the original market hall at ground floor through subdivision and the creation small rooms, internal hallways and circulation spaces. These spaces lack flexibility and are now considered unfit for purpose. Phase 1 of the Town Hall Transformation Project is to reinstate the original open-plan 'market hall' at ground floor to provide a location for markets and civic, community, arts and cultural events and activities. Phase 1 will also include ancillary spaces within the ground and first floors. Phase 2 of the project will include works to the existing upper floors as well as the construction of an extension to accommodate meeting rooms, offices, a café bar and catering facilities to the rear of the building. Phase 2 is subject to agreement of additional funding and is not within the scope of the present Brief. Midsomer Norton Town Council and the Town Trust have already secured planning and listed building consent for these works (21/00914/FUL and 21/00915/LBA) which are being progressed to detailed design. We now wish to appoint an appropriately qualified and experienced Project Manager/ Quantity Surveyor to deliver the project from RIBA 4 (Principal Contractor procurement) through to RIBA 6 (completion and handover). The Project Manager/ Quantity Surveyor will be expected to tender the appointment & coordinate with the separately-appointed Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, Structural Engineer, and Architect/ Contract Administrator. Please note that Phase 2 funding is secured up to RIBA 4. Progress onto RIBA 5-6, is subject to further fundraising being secured therefore there is effectively a break-clause which the client can implement at the end of RIBA 4. This appointment will only continue after RIBA 4 subject to a) the satisfactory delivery of the scope of this appointment, and b) sufficient funding to enable a contract to be entered into with the successful Principal Contractor. The construction programme is TBC pending appointment of the Principal Contractor, but it is envisaged that it will be c.12 months. The value of Phase 2 construction works is estimated at £1,132,048. Contact details -
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors