Commissioners House - Design and Build of Mechanical and Electrical Services
Information regarding this Expression of Interest is available by emailing a request for information in the subject for the email please type "CH EOI M&E - Company Name"The Commissioner's House is an exceptionally significant Schedule Ancient Monument (category A) building that occupies a landmark position at the centre of the Historic Dockyard Chatham.The project objective is to carry out the necessary urgent infrastructure, maintenance, and repairs, to safeguard the Commissioner's House, its contents and collections and to facilitate the Trust's vision for its future sustainable use. This includes the renewal and upgrading of all Mechanical and Electrical installations within the house.CHDT aim to short list expressions of interest to three possibly four suppliers/contractors who can demonstrate that they have the relevant design and build experience, in a historic environment and that they can fulfil all the employers requirements for their particular design and delivery discipline.The Trust are seeking expressions of interest from Design and Build Contractors for:•Lot 1 - Mechanical Services•Lot 2 - Electrical ServicesThose companies that can provide both services, can submit expressions of interest for both, but they must be separate. This is to allow the Trust to select the strongest suppliers for each of the respective discipline.Most of the professional team have been appointed and have delivered a RIBA 3 design which supported the MEND3 funding application and will be shared on request.MEND3 funding decisions will not be formally announced until mid-April 2024 but the Trust are preparing the way for an efficient project start up.For those companies that request information, the documents issued will include:- Instructions to Suppliers with site visit arrangements and Expression of Interest information to be submitted details- Project Brief- RIBA 3 Designs- Standard Suppliers Questionnaire which includes qualitative questionsFollowing the evaluation of the Expressions of Interest returns, if the MEND3 funding application is successful, then the Trust will seek tenders on the basis of a "Restricted Tender basis" for a Design and Build Two Stage Tender for each Lot.The appointed Mechanical and Electrical suppliers will then join the Professional team to develop the RIBA Stage 4A (Detailed Design) and 4B (Procurement) design.At the end of RIBA 4A the appointed suppliers will submit their Stage Two Contractors Proposals Tenders (Lump sum with some provisional sums).Providing the tenders are affordable the respective suppliers will then proceed to deliver the schemes (RIBA Stage 5 and 6).Should the MEND3 funding application fail then the works scope will be reduced to suit the available budget.END
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45300000 - Building installation work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors