Communicating environmental resilience in a changing climate through biodiversity conservation in the UK Overseas Territories
The UK's Overseas Territories (UKOT's) are highly dependent on the natural environment for their economic and social wellbeing. They are also reliant on limited infrastructure. In the Caribbean in particular, this infrastructure, and human life, are vulnerable to both natural and anthropogenic hazards. The natural environment is itself susceptible to damage from human activities - resulting in loss of value to the economy and reducing its ability to protect assets and human well-being. Building upon work to date, carried out under Joint Nature Conservation Committee's (JNCC) Natural Capital in the Overseas Territories programme, and the current Conflict, Stability & Security Fund (CSSF) Disaster Resilience Project and Implementing Coral Reef Action Plans Project aim to: develop and disseminate targeted messages and communications materials to inform key stakeholders of: i.the role and value of the natural environment in providing environmental resilience. ii.the pressures upon the natural environment; and iii.the role stakeholders can play in protecting the natural environment. Outputs This project aims to develop the necessary graphics to facilitate education and outreach activities which will be executed in six (6) UKOTs within the Caribbean, namely within Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cayman Islands (CI), Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). Any products or outputs submitted to JNCC [for publication] should adhere to JNCC's house-style and should be produced in an accessible format (see product specification for more information). 1)A vector drawing infographic which comprises all of the key messages from the CSSF project including: a.Delivery of editable files (Photoshop, InDesign or if using another format, this must be agreed with JNCC before delivery); b.Delivery of final products (JPEGs, GIFs, or PDFs) 2)The design and graphics for an A2-sized poster: a.Delivery of editable files (Photoshop, InDesign or if using another format, this must be agreed with JNCC before delivery); b.Delivery of final products (JPEGs, GIFs, or PDFs) 3)A digital CSSF trifold project pamphlet: a.Delivery of editable files (Photoshop, InDesign or if using another format, this must be agreed with JNCC before delivery); b.Delivery of final products (JPEGs, GIFs, or PDFs)
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90700000 - Environmental services
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1 Possible Competitors