Communications campaign for Own Your Own Home
Research shows that many young working people have given up on the dream of owning their own home – 89% of young working people surveyed agreed that “property is so expensive it is too difficult for a normal person to get on the housing ladder”. In October 2015, the Department for Communities and Local Government, in partnership with Number 10 and HM Treasury launched the Own Your Home campaign – aimed at persuading young working people to look again at home ownership and drive take up of appropriate Government home-buying schemes when this is the right decision for them. The campaign contributes to the Government’s plan to provide economic security for working people through giving them the chance to own a home of their own. It supports the Department’s policy outcome to help 1million people into their own home by 2020 through changing attitudes towards homeownership so it seen as a realistic and attainable aspiration for potential first time buyers and those wanting to move up the property ladder. The strategy for 2016/17 will follow the same approach and channel mix, re-using all of the current assets and creative developed last year by the incumbent agency, potentially expanding on some of the social and radio content as well as some re-editing and re-purposing of existing TV reflect promotion of different housing schemes, but everything should re-use existing photography, TV footage and sound tracks used last year.
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