Community Asset Model: Supporting people with Respiratory Conditions across Northamptonshire
NHS Nene CCG and NHS Corby CCG are seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver a Community Asset Model that supports people with respiratory conditions across Northamptonshire. NHS Nene & NHS Corby CCGs are at the point of concluding the successful delivery of a pilot to improve the health and wellbeing of patients with COPD, and now wish to demonstrate its success as a proof of concept, at scale and pace. The pilot has used a community asset model approach, and been part of a formal evaluation of the Making Waves programme by the University of Coventry on behalf of the Health Foundation. The offer for provision is for a limited 12 month period, and working within a financial envelope of £190,000. Within Northamptonshire this model of care will act as the central point for supporting people living within the community and in order that that they can stay well, managing their condition with support services wrapped around them. Outcomes will focus on four key areas: clinical, patient; system; and whole population, and overall the service will need to demonstrate a proportional contribution towards the reduction of Non Elective admissions across both acute trusts. Please note this opportunity is offered as a proof of concept contract, at scale & pace, following the conclusion of a successful pilot to improve the health and wellbeing of patients with COPD. Please note interested parties will be expected to establish and develop the longer term service model and therefore will not exceed 12 months. NHS Nene CCG has 66 practices serving a population of c652, 847. NHS Corby CCG has 5 practices serving a population of c73, 000. Providers must demonstrate the following requirements; 1.Be able to begin implementation and mobilisation within March 2018. 2.Be able to clearly provide demonstrable experience and a track record in supporting people with long term conditions, and providing care that is focused on improving wellbeing. Experience in the delivery of Expert Patient Groups, which empower individuals to manage their respiratory condition and stay well at home is essential. 3.Can demonstrate experience and skill in using co production approaches that place an individual at the centre of care delivery, and apply double loop learning through the use of continuous improvement cycles. Please see attached Expression of Interest - Northamptonshire Community Asset Model Readiness Checklist Dec2018. Only those organisations, which have demonstrated compliance with the requirements set out in the attachment and confirmed their interest by submitting a copy of the completed Expression of Interest document by email to no later than 5.00pm on Monday 7th January 2019 will be invited to take part in the next stage of the tender/procurement process.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors