Community Assets Research
The aim of this research is to review of the efficacy of the Fund’s investment in community asset ownership and development. Bidders are required to address the following three questions in the review:- a.The ownership of assets is claimed to be a good way to increase and improve the strength and resilience of disadvantaged communities adversely affected by inequalities. •What are the benefits and challenges of asset ownership for communities? •Is leasing or y managing assets as effective in helping communities tackle inequality, and if so, what are the challenges faced using these arrangements? b.Over the past 15 years, the Big Lottery Fund has invested around a total of £95 million in over 400 community ownership projects. What proportion of these projects are (i) thriving, (ii) surviving, and (iii) struggling? What are the main reasons the projects are in these positions? •What challenges do communities face in trying to make assets sustainable – both financially and more generally? How have projects that are ‘thriving’ become viable? c.Do different ownership/leasing arrangements work better for (i) different types of asset and (ii) different communities? Suppliers are asked to consider these questions in their responses and where necessary and applicable demonstrate further options and questions to deliver the research.
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1 Possible Competitors