Community Equipment DPS
NOTICE TO CURRENT DPS SUPPLIERS & POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS. This DPS is being extended to continue to accept new applications until 31 January 2034. There is no requirement for those suppliers already registered as a supplier on the DPS to reapply. Worcestershire County Council (WCC) commissions the Community Equipment Service (CES) for Worcestershire. CES is funded on an equal basis by WCC and NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (HWCCG). The service is delivered by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (WHCT) on behalf of the commissioners. The People Directorate of WCC retains responsibility for selected aspects of the CES, including the purchasing of equipment. The DPS has a range of 'Equipment Categories' and suitably qualified and experienced organisations are sought to join the DPS and respond to tender opportunities from it. The service encompasses a range of functions including;•The procurement of an appropriate range of equipment•The delivery of equipment •The maintenance and servicing of equipment•The collection of equipment •The decontamination of equipment •The refurbishment of equipment for reuse•The storage of equipment.A significant proportion of equipment is refurbished following its return to the stores following a loan period. In recent years the CES has invested in equipment which can be deployed on a 'modular' basis, increasing the flexibility of the service to respond to individual needs in a cost-effective and efficient manner.The table below summarises the equipment categories which will comprise the DPS, these will be sub-categorised as appropriate: -Category NoCategory TitleCategory 1BariatricCategory 2BathingCategory 3BedsCategory 4SeatingCategory 5MobilityCategory 6Pressure Reducing EquipmentCategory 7 Manual handling and transferringCategory 8ToiletingCategory 9 Children's Equipment The DPS will be for 10 years . We anticipate an approximate annual value of in the region of £2,000,000 which equates to £20,000,000 for the service over the potential of a 10 year period.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33190000 - Miscellaneous medical devices and products
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors