Community Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Service
The Isle of Wight Community MSK Physiotherapy Service offers a range of treatment modalities to patients with musculoskeletal problems, referred by GPs on the Isle of Wight, with the specific aim of preventing onward referrals to secondary care and improving the ability of patients to self-manage any future musculoskeletal issues related to their presenting problems., The requirement is to treat the following Musculoskeletal conditions including, but not limited to:, •Musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, •Stiffness , •Muscle weakness , •Instability , •Reduced mobility of joints and muscles, •Back pain, The original contract awarded for 3 years plus 24-month extension from 1 April 2016 following a competition process advertised via OJEU 2015/S 123-225750. Due to Covid-19 the contracting authority extended the arrangements by 12 months until 31 March 2022 via 2020/S 092-221175 Modification notice., Further information including service specification can be found at:, The service requirements are:, •To provide a high quality physiotherapy service for Isle of Wight patients who are referred to the Community MSK Physiotherapy Service. ., •The service will be based on best practice and will provide an appropriate assessment, follow up treatment, review and discharge. , •Provide a high quality and compassionate community care service for patients and ensure the provider meets all recommended standards. , •Provide services that comply with accepted best practice, relevant guidelines in clinical practice and robust governance arrangements., •Provide a robust mix of suitably trained and/or qualified staff that have access to appropriate equipment as required to fulfil their duties., •Ensure consistent and continuous care between health professionals, and effective and efficient communication., •Provide a comprehensive assessment for all patients on first attendance., •Agree a treatment programme with identified goals that is agreed with the patient/carers., •Be patient centred and increase patient satisfaction., •Undertake:, oPatient experience surveys, oClinical practice audits, oReview of patient complaints received, , Service description/care pathway:, •Receive referrals in writing from GP's and Independent Sector Providers including Spire Hospitals and the Southampton Treatment Centre (STC)., •Provide acknowledgement of referrals to the patient within ten working days., •On referral patients will be allocated appointments which are convenient for them., •The patient will be reminded, no more than 48 working hours before, of the appointment either by telephone or texting, as agreed with the patient., •Treatment will consist of:, oAssessment - on first attendance all patients will be given a comprehensive assessment, oTreatment - a treatment plan with identified goals will be agreed with the patient, oPatients will be discharged from the Physiotherapy Service when the identified goals have been achieved or when in some instances it has been determined that Physiotherapy input is of no more assistance to the individual. This decision will be made in consultation with the individual and or carers , oAll patients will be given self-help and self-management advice, oWhere appropriate, patient/carer information leaflets will be provided. In addition recognised/accepted voluntary/charity information leaflets will be available., oWhere appropriate, patient exercise sheets will be provided for individual home exercise programmes, oA copy of the discharge information will be given or sent to the patient, •Ensure that clinical effectiveness and outcome evaluation is coordinated by the clinical lead and that outcome is continually assessed across a broad range of domains., •Ensure that standardised self-rated and objective physical measures are used throughout assessment and treatment., •Collect a wide range of demographic data, and data recording patients' expectations and satisfaction with the service, for purposes of audit., Quality Assurance, •The provider is monitored via the current regular monthly monitoring template to ensure a quality service is delivered in line with the agreed service specification. , •The current contract with the provider has well established processes in place which enable rapid access to:, oquality reporting and audit cycles to attain confidence in sustained delivery of a high-quality service provision, oclinical governance processes and clinical supervision practices, othe development of Service Development and Improvement Plan(s) (SDIP) as appropriate.
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors