Community Paediatric Therapy Services across Hampshire
Following the re-design of paediatric integrated community therapies in 2012, procurement was undertaken; Solent NHS Trust was the successful bidder and commenced service delivery 1.5.2014. The contract was a flat 4 years contract due to expire 31.4.2018. Commissioners have been reviewing integrated commissioning opportunities with Hampshire County Council and a series of stakeholder events are planned for early 2018 to explore options. Public Health have recently awarded short term contracts to enable the alignment of both health visiting and school nursing contracts; discussions with CCGs have been exploring the possibility of either joint procurement opportunities or having aligned contracts with health. Options are being explored and the CCG commissioners are developing an options appraisal that will help inform decision-making regarding any integrated service opportunities. There is a scoping exercise taking place considering a range of services where integration could add value and improve outcomes for children and young people. The CCGs and local authority are exploring a range of different services including:— integrated therapies,— health visiting,— school nursing,— MSK,— ASD diagnostics,— enuresis,— sensory processing,— behaviour support services,— sensory processing,— special school nursing,— immunisation & vaccinations.The potential annual value of these contracts could be in excess of 25 000 000 GBP per annum depending upon which options are chosen. As discussions are still progressing regarding joint commissioning, the CCGs are proposing to extend the current paediatric integrated therapies service by direct awarding a new contract until 31.3.2020. This direct award is being sought on current contract value with no additional investment other than any national uplifts and the same service specification. This prior information notice is to inform the market of the extension to the current paediatric integrated therapies service under a direct award contract until 31.3.2020.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121291 - Paediatric services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors