Community Scale Renewable Energy Generation
The Welsh Assembly Government – Climate Change and Water Division (CCWD) (the Client), on behalf of The Welsh Ministers, proposes to bid for European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Convergence and Competitiveness Programme funding for two projects (The Projects) to promote sustainable business growth and new business opportunities in relation to future environmental challenges and opportunities. The Projects ‘Community Scale Renewable Energy Generation – Convergence’ and ‘Community Scale Renewable Energy Generation – Competitiveness’ will enable the establishment or further development of some 22 or more sustainable social enterprises based on new community scale renewable energy installations.The Projects consist of three elements:The provision of development support in locally based partners. Technical development officers would explore the potential for community projects, as well as supporting those who contact them. The development officers would help build capacity and the development of social enterprises and provide locally based advice on renewable energy. Support to the extent of 5 full time equivalents for the duration of the Convergence project and 0.5 for the Competitiveness project selected through open procurement would be required Support for preliminary stages that may be by sub-contract or through grants to support feasibility studies and other costs without which the renewable energy installations would not be able to go ahead. For planning purposes it may be assumed that the Convergence project would support up to 100 such actions and the Competitiveness project up to 10. Capital grants to support the installation of the technology in around 20 locations in the Convergence area and 2 in the Competitiveness area. For planning purposes it may be assumed that grants would be in the range £100k to £300k and whilst The Projects are technology neutral there may be a split of 70% wind 30% hydro.The Client wishes to contract for the delivery of a project management and grants administration service for both projects. The requirement is in two stages.Stage 1This procurement exercise is taking place in parallel with bids to WEFO for both projects. Details about WEFO and the Structural Funds application process may be found on procedures require the submission of detailed Business Plans as part of the application process. The Client will commence preparing the Plans but will require the support of the contractor to obtain a realistic estimate of project expenditure.Stage 2Stage 2 in respect of the Convergence and/or Competitiveness bids will not commence unless and until WEFO approves the Convergence bid or both bids. Subject to final approval by WEFO, the Client will then require the services set out below. •Let, manage and pay the contracts for the development officer service in accordance with a specification(s) developed in consultation with the Client•Let, manage and pay the contracts or grants for support to preliminary stages in accordance with a specification(s) developed in consultation with the Client•In consultation with the Client establish and provide ongoing secretariat services for the Steering Groups•In accordance with procedures agreed with the Steering Groups select the social enterprises and renewable energy installations to be supported by the projects•Identify and confirm sources of match funding•Administer the capital grants for the renewable energy installations•Draft ERDF payment claims to enable the Client to comply with WEFO’s requirements•Provide the Client with monitoring and evaluation information to enable the Client to comply with WEFO’s requirements •Associated marketing and publicityFull details of the requirement are contained in the specification.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75112100 - Administrative development project services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors